Montag, 2. Februar 2015

Recipe Capcay Saos Tiram & Baked Salmon

Capcay Saos Tiram

From Desi's Kitchen - A taste of Indonesia

After almost 1 month i didn't cook, today i started again to cook. My menu for today are capcay / cap say and Baked Salmon Fisch. Cap cay / cap say is chinese food which is really famous in Indonesia especially in Medan. Cap cay / cap say in Hokian Language means 10 vegetables (cap = 10 cay/say = vegetable). But i didn't put 10 vegetable in mine, i only put some of them. Don't's still delicious lah...^_^ and still healthy. It's really good mix taste with Baked Salmon fisch (from my taste ^_^)


- 1 carrot
- 1 Japan's Tofu
- 4 stalk chai sim
- 6 stalk pa choy
- 1 stalk broccoli
- 1 stalk leek
- 1 clove garlic
- 1/2 clove big onion
- 5 chilies
- 1 chili gendon (big chili)
- 1cm ginger
- Sufficient of salt
- Sufficient of pepper
- Sufficient of oil
- Sufficient of cornstarch
- Sufficient of water

Cut the onion, garlic, chilies, ginger, leek in small slices.

Cook the spices in pan until fragrant, then put carrot and broccoli in cooked spices. Mix well araound 10-15 second then put the water, pa choy, chai sim and tofu and mix well, then put the leek and cornstarch. Cook for around 3 minutes. It is ready to be served. Enjoy!

Baked Salmon

Mix garlic powder, lemon juice, and olive oil. Whisk these three ingredients together in small bowl or plate and transfer to a plastic bag that can be closed.

Coat the salmon with the spices, then put the salmon into plastik lid. Chill in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

Remove the salmon from the refrigerator at least 10 minutes before baked. Baked for around 4-5 minutes. It is ready to be served. Enjoy!

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